Unable to run playbook (Syntax Error)

Can someone show me where my mistakes are with the below playbook? When i try to run this playbook it tells me it fails at

  • name: run multiple commands on remote nodes
    ^ here


“hosts” should come before “name”. I think.

Same issue

hosts/name order does not matter, indentation does seem to be off, -
debug should start at same level as the previous task

I think the 3 lines under "- name" need to be indented level with the 'n'.


Oh, whoops - I was looking at the wrong '- name'


Tried it without the register and still no go!

so from emai (not a good source) the indentations were off in many
places, this is a 'fixed' version of your play:

- name: get version
  hosts: all
  gather_facts: false
  connection: local

   - name: run multiple commands on remote nodes
         - show version
         - show ip int brief
     register: print_output

   - debug: var=print_output.stdout_lines