Unable to run java code with classpath on a remote server

In order to run java code I need to first set the classpath of dependent libraries by running a script setWLSEnv.sh as below:

$ . /app/wlserv*/server/bin/setWLSEnv.sh $ java weblogic.version

The output gives me the version of the product which I need.
I wrote the below playbook but it does not run the java code.


I found the solution myself. Here it is:

  - hosts: dest_nodes

      - name: Get weblogic CLASSPATH
        shell: "/app/wlserv*/server/bin/setWLSEnv.sh"
        register: wlsenv

      - name: Get weblogic Version
        shell: "java weblogic.version"
          CLASSPATH: "{{ wlsenv.stdout }}"
        register: wlsversion

      - debug:
          msg: "{{ wlsversion }}