Unable to Login to Ansible Tower UI page, after enabling SSL and access the UI page on DNS url.

When we enter credential to login to Ansible Tower UI after enabling SSL and access the UI page on DNS url(https://example.com). after some investigation found that ansible fails to login to api in back-end stating invalid token. i have attached the screenshot.

Even though i am able to login same credential using the IP URL(https://IP)

can any body , please help me out to solve this issue


Try a chrome incognito window and or clear your browser cache.

Hi Christopher,
I have tried that different browser and incognito also.


We need some more detail on this… how have you deployed AWX. Are you behind a proxy/LB?

Hi Matthew ,
I don’t have exact idea about proxy,since I don’t know the networking part done by our enterprise IS team

But there are two ips both are private but one of it is mapped to dns record,
For example
The local ip of vm is 10.12.7x.12 for which the url works perfect and able to login properly to tower ui and dashboard
Other ip 10.12.9x.44 which I got after ping ansible server(dns name) ,for this I get a auth token invalid as it tries to login to api after I give credentials in tower ui login page this is what I found.

Please let me know if I need to do any configuration more .

Thanks in advance For Help !
