Ubuntu playbook syntax

This playbook works, but I dont think this is the proper way to install multiple packages.
Can someone correct this and show how it should be done ? TIA

ansible-playbook /root/aplays/core.pb -u teddy -k

This playbook works, but I dont think this is the proper way to install
multiple packages.
Can someone correct this and show how it should be done ? TIA

If it work and is understandable it's OK in my book, but it could be more condense.

ansible-playbook /root/aplays/core.pb -u teddy -k

- hosts: teddy
   sudo: true
    - name: install sysstat
      apt: name=sysstat update_cache=yes state=latest

    - name: install htop
      apt: name=htop update_cache=yes state=latest

    - name: install curl
      apt: name=curl update_cache=yes state=latest

    - name: install bzip2
      apt: name=bzip2 update_cache=yes state=latest

    - name: install lft
      apt: name=lft update_cache=yes state=latest

    - name: install traceroute
      apt: name=traceroute update_cache=yes state=latest

    - name: install ncdu
      apt: name=ncdu update_cache=yes state=latest

    - name: install midnight-commander mc
      apt: name=mc update_cache=yes state=latest

    - name: install screen
      apt: name=screen update_cache=yes state=latest

    - name: install wget
      apt: name=wget update_cache=yes state=latest

- name: install apt packages
   apt: name={{ item }} update_cache=yes state=latest
     - sysstat
     - htop
     - curl
     - bzip

I think you see the pattern, just continue to add the rest of the packages.