I am trying to pass a variables to the hosts in a play
name: include vars
hosts: localhost
connection: local
tasks: -
dir: ‘…/group_vars’
depth: 1 -
name: debug
hosts: localhost
connection: local
tasks: -
debug: msg=“{{ kfkahost0 }}”
name: Create topic
hosts: “{{ kfkahost0 }}”
- name: include vars
- include_vars: dir=“…/group_vars” depth=“1”
#dir: ‘…/group_vars’
#depth: 1
- shell: ./app/bin/kafka/bin/kafka-topics.sh --zookeeper {{ zkhost0 }}:2181 --create --topic {{ topic }} --partitions {{ partition }} --replication-factor {{ rpfactor }}
42,3 Bot
in the debug step i see the hostname comes out in the msg fine
but in the next play it says kfkahost0 is undefined.