I am having some difficulties trying to obtain the instance id for an ec2 instance that is being created. Here is what I have at the moment to create the ec2 instance:
Create NAT Instance
- name: Launch NAT instance
vpc_subnet_id: “{{ name_subnet.subnet.id }}”
region: “{{ aws_region }}”
keypair: “{{ keypair.key.name }}”
group_id: “{{ natsecuritygroup.group_id }}”
image: “{{ nat_aws_image }}”
instance_type: “{{ nat_aws_instance_type }}”
type: “nat”
Name: “NAT”
exact_count: 1
type: “nat”
Name: “NAT”
wait: yes
register: nat
tags: - vpcsetup
I am trying to get the instance id from the registered value nat. Here is what I get when I debug the nat variable:
ok: [localhost] => {
“nat”: {
“changed”: false,
“instance_ids”: null,
“instances”: ,
“tagged_instances”: [
“ami_launch_index”: “0”,
“architecture”: “x86_64”,
“block_device_mapping”: {
“/dev/xvda”: {
“delete_on_termination”: true,
“status”: “attached”,
“volume_id”: “vol-xxxxxx”
“dns_name”: “ec2-xxxxxxx.compute-1.amazonaws.com”,
“ebs_optimized”: false,
“groups”: {
“sg-xxxxxx”: “nat-sg”
“hypervisor”: “xen”,
“id”: “i-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx”,
“image_id”: “ami-xxxxxxxxx”,
“instance_type”: “m4.large”,
“kernel”: null,
“key_name”: “kp”,
“launch_time”: “2016-02-09T04:42:36.000Z”,
“placement”: “us-east-1a”,
“private_dns_name”: “ip-xxxxx.ec2.internal”,
“private_ip”: “xxxxx”,
“public_dns_name”: “ec2-xxxxx.compute-1.amazonaws.com”,
“public_ip”: “xxxxxx”,
“ramdisk”: null,
“region”: “us-east-1”,
“root_device_name”: “/dev/xvda”,
“root_device_type”: “ebs”,
“state”: “running”,
“state_code”: 16,
“tags”: {
“Name”: “NAT”,
“type”: “nat”
“tenancy”: “default”,
“virtualization_type”: “hvm”
I see that the instance_ids is set to null, but there is a value for id. How do I get the id value? I tried several variations to get the value, but no luck. I keep getting an error saying either:
{“failed”: true, “msg”: “ERROR! ‘list object’ has no attribute ‘id’”}
{“failed”: true, “msg”: “ERROR! ‘dict object’ has no attribute ‘id’”}
Thanks in advance.