trying to create new user on remote machines

I got following task to create remote user but I do not have ssh keys setup on root or any user. what can i do to create the user? I dont have the become password

tasks file for createuser

  • include_vars:
    dir: vars

  • name: create user rke
    name: ‘{{ username }}’
    shell: ‘{{ shell }}’
    generate_ssh_key: yes
    create_home: yes
    groups: ‘{{ groupname }}’
    append: yes
    ssh_key_file: .ssh/id_rsa
    become: true

  • name: create public key
    cmd: “{{ command }}”
    register: shell_output
    become: true

  • name: Change authorized keys permissions
    path: “{{ authorized_key_path }}”
    owner: “{{ username }}”
    group: “{{ username }}”
    mode: ‘600’
    become: true

Impossible. Refuse the task.