Tracking the progress of a file being uploaded from local to remote machine


In my playbook I have a task that copies a large file from local machine to the remote host:

  • name: Upload a large file that is roughly 10MB
    copy: src=/a_large_file dest=/tmp/a_large_file

The task can be completed in a reasonable time only one out of 10 times. 90% of the time it usually takes forever to upload and there is no progress update while it is running. Is there a way to track the upload progress of this task as it runs? Also, how would I go about debugging to see what went wrong?


Currently there is no file upload progress tracking.

Hi Michael,

Thanks for answering. What about ways of debugging? Is there a place where I can check to see if there are any error logs?

If it failed in the middle of a file transfer that is regular SFTP/SCP kind of stuff.

You may wish to consider -c ssh vs paramiko to try that.