We have a bunch of Rhel5 servers for reasons too tedious to get into, as well as Rhel6 and 7. The Ansible package that comes with our Tower installation is 2.5, it won’t work on Rhel5 servers with Python2.4.
My question is, is there anyway to have Tower choose a different Ansible package when running on if OS is Rhel5 (or whatever).
I have also played around with installing Python 2.7 on the Rhel5 servers, and setting ‘ansible_python_interpreter’, but since our inventory is dynamic, every time it’s updated, that variable is erased.
Has anyone got anything that works around this problem?
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Basically, what we do, is we build our dynamic inventory from our multi-tenant system knowing the OS, and setting the ansible_python_interpreter accordingly to our python2.7 custom version, which is deployed separately.
We also had some playbooks that bootstrapped our el5 servers, deploying our custom python2.7.