Totally Stuck...

This is a real blocker. SSH works but Ansible does not.

In the debug output I see '‘PasswordAuthentication=no’ and that looks wrong.

Any ideas?



$: ansible venus -vvvv -i hosts -m shell -a "mkdir /tmp/core; cd /tcp;
sudo mv /tmp/core ." --sudo -K

sudo password: <pwd>

Looks like you are asking to be prompted for a sudo password ('-K') but not
an SSH password ('-k') -- so it's not going to be trying for password auth.


Thank you for your reply.

I did not explain myself too well. Sorry.

I don’t need SSH authentication, only sudo.

So we have two authentications. SSH proceeds without password using keys, but sudo needa a password, which I give at the prompt.

What other password is it waiting for, as mentioned in the error message?

You can't call sudo from the shell module.

The play would normal be like this:

  - name: foo
    sudo: true
    sudo_user: root
    file: state=directory dest=/tcp/core

Thank you for your time.

I followed your syntax, same results. Bummer.


ansible-playbook -K -vvvv -i hosts apps/tcpredirector/deploy2.yml
