This is possible to add more than 2 conditions like this?
- shell: ifdown {{ item.item.device }}; ifup {{ item.item.device }}
with_items: ether_result.results
when: ether_result is defined and and item.changed and ether_int_status|failed
ether_result and ether_int_status are registered variables.
Yes, this would also be easy for you to test and try on your own too
You can also do:
- shell: foo
- a == b
- c == d
- e == f
And do ands that way, can sometimes be easier to read.
- ether_result is defined
- item|changed
- ether_int_status|failed
This variant not work for me.
This works:
- ether_result is defined
- ether_int_status|failed
More than 2 conditions not work…((
“More than 2 conditions not work…((”
There’s nothing in the code that has any bearing on how many conditions there are that makes 2 special, it’s either “single” or “more than one”
That being said, if you can explain what “doesn’t work” looks like and provide a minimal playbook with output, we can try to reproduce what you are seeing.
Thank you.
I found 2 errors in my code: 1 logical and 1 syntax.
Right conditions: