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Hi team,

I’m facing “Source /home/yum.repos.d not found” error while running playbook … my playbook view like this … please help out.

Hi team,

I'm facing "Source /home/yum.repos.d not found" error while running playbook .. my playbook view like this .. please help out.

I suppose this directory is either missing on the remote machine or the ansible user doesn't have the proper permissions to access it.



Hi racke,
I trailed with root also same error facing… i think some interpreter issue… please check once.

PLAY [Copy Directory Example Local to Remote] ***********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************

TASK [Copying the Directory and its contents] ***********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
fatal: []: FAILED! => {“ansible_facts”: {“discovered_interpreter_python”: “/usr/bin/python”}, “changed”: false, “msg”: “Source /home/yum.repos.d not found”}

PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** : ok=0 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=1 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0

yum.repos.d is in /etc … not /home … not sure how its getting that path.

yum.repos.d is in /etc .. not /home .. not sure how its getting that path.

> - name: Copying the Directory and its contents
> copy:
> src: /home/yum.repos.d

Regards Racke

Then that /home/yum.repos.d must be on the control host running the ansible playbook. The copy task always copies from local to remote.

Then that /home/yum.repos.d must be on the control host running the ansible playbook. The copy task always copies from local to remote.

That is not correct:

remote_src: yes



That’s working…
remote_src: yes not required…

Thank you all,


good catch. I missed that.