I have
shell: bin/plugin -install {{item.name}} chdir={{elasticsearch_home}}
Which is producing the error:
"msg": "this module requires key=value arguments (['bin/plugin', '-install', 'lmenezes/elasticsearch-kopf/master', 'chdir=/usr/share/elasticsearch', '#USE_SHELL'])"
What does this mean? This syntax is right out of the docs (and was working yesterday to boot).
Ok, I think this has to do with me trying to use 1.9.2-rc1. When I do a fresh checkout I get submodules that have lots more stuff than when after I run
git submodule update --init --recursive
After switching to the 1.9.2 tag. I’m clearly not understanding to keep the submodules in sync with the brach/tag I have select. Are there developer docs that describe this that I have missed?
Well I scp’ed my ansible checkout from my mac to my linux and all works now. So yes, it must be mismatches in the ansible branch and modules. But I have no idea how I got my mac into the state its in (ie, working) that is different from what I did with my linux box.
I have been trying to run with 1.9.2-rc. But is that much different from master/2.0? Should I just stay on master?
It depends on what your goals are.
1.9.2 will be maintenance release of the v 1 codebase.
Current devel, which will eventually be 2.0, has completely refactored core.