The Bullhorn #177

This week in Ansible Community
Issue #177, 2025-03-17 (Past Issues)

Welcome to The Bullhorn, our newsletter for the Ansible Community. If you have any questions or content you’d like to share, you’re welcome to chat with us in the Ansible Social room on Matrix, and mention newsbot to have your news item tagged for review for the next weekly issue!

General news updates :speaker_low_volume:

Thank you @thaumos for four years of service

gundalow said

After four years of serving on the Ansible Community Steering Commitee, @thaumos will leave the committee. Thanks for being a member and working with us to improve Ansible!

Major new releases :trophy:

Antsibull :up_right_arrow:

Tooling for building the Ansible package and collection documentation.


Felix Fontein contributed

antsibull-docs-parser 1.2.0 (Release 1.2.0 · ansible-community/antsibull-docs-parser · GitHub) has been released. This is a Python library for parsing and formatting Ansible markup. It mainly drops support for Python 3.6, 3.7, and 3.8, and thus requires Python 3.9+. If you need to use the library with older Python versions, please stick to version 1.1.1.


Felix Fontein said

antsibull-changelog 0.32.0 (Release 0.32.0 · ansible-community/antsibull-changelog · GitHub) is out with a new feature that allows to better control the changelog files written to disk. The old settings controlling such behavior are deprecated, but will stay for a long time and do not produce runtime warnings yet, so there’s no need to change something anytime soon if you don’t want to. If you happen to use antsibull-changelog as a library, there have been some breaking changes. (If you do so, it would be nice to know, right now I’m assuming nobody is doing that except antsibull-docs and antsibull-build.)

Project updates :hammer_and_wrench:

DevTools :up_right_arrow:

Projects to make it easier to write and test Ansible Content. The ansible-dev-tools metapackage, which includes VScode extension, ansible-creator, ansible-lint, molecule, ansible-navigator, [ansible-dev-environment)(GitHub - ansible/ansible-dev-environment: Build and maintain a development environment including ansible collections and their python dependencies) and more! To see what’s planned, and how you can help checkout the foundation-devtools project board

FreeBSD 13.5 replaces FreeBSD 13.4

Felix Fontein said

If you’re using ansible-test’s FreeBSD 13.4 VM in CI (with AZP) with ansible-core’s ansible-test, please note that it was replaced with FreeBSD 13.5 (Ansible-test devel: FreeBSD 13.4 replaced by 13.5) and you need to update your CI.

Collection updates :magic_wand:


andersson007_ shared

The community.postgresql collection version 3.12.0 has been released!


Felix Fontein shared

community.crypto 2.26.0 (community.crypto/ at main · ansible-collections/community.crypto · GitHub) has been released with a new feature for the openssl_pkcs12 module that allows to pass in certificates without having to write them to disk.

Certified Collections Released this week

fortinet.fortimanager:2.9.1 2.8.0

redhat.trusted_profile_analyzer: 1.3.1

azure.azcollection: 3.3.1

netbox.netbox: 3.21.0

redhat.satellite: 5.2.0

zabbix.zabbix: 1.4.0

Other events and releases

Use the Ansible Forum to see other events and releases.

Join the Ansible community

Looking for ways to get involved? See how can I help for some ideas!

You can find easy issues in collections and other projects for code or documentation contributions.

That’s all for now!

Have any questions you’d like to ask, or issues you’d like to see covered? Please ask in! See you next time!