The Bullhorn #140

This week in Ansible Community

Issue #140, 2024-05-31 (Past Issues)

Welcome to The Bullhorn, our newsletter for the Ansible Community. If you have any questions or content you’d like to share, you’re welcome to chat with us in the Ansible Social room on Matrix, and mention newsbot to have your news item tagged for review for the next weekly issue!

KEY DATES :stopwatch:


Ansible :arrow_upper_right:

The Ansible package includes ansible-core and is a batteries-included package that provides a curated set of Ansible collections. See the Ansible roadmaps for future release plans.

mariolenz said

Ansible 10.0.0rc1 package (pre-release) is here! :heart:
:link:Release announcement: Ansible community package 10.0.0rc1 (Pre-Release)
:minidisc:You can install it by running the following command:
python3 -m pip install ansible==10.0.0rc1 --user
:arrow_right: Check Release Notes :package::spiral_notepad: and Ansible 10 Porting Guide for more details!

AWX Project :arrow_upper_right:

AWX provides a web-based user interface, REST API, and task engine built on top of Ansible. Join the AWX discussion in the Ansible Community Forum.

TVo said

Announcing AWX 24.4.0 and AWX-Operator 2.17.0

Hi all,
We’re happy to announce that the latest release of AWX, version 24.4.0 is now available!
Some notable features include:

  • Exposed websockets on API prefix v2 (PR #1842)
  • Added Django logout redirects (PR #15148)
  • Added documentation for new DAB RBAC changes (PR #15150)
    In addition AWX Operator version 2.17.0 has also been released!
    Some notable features include:
  • Exposed websockets on API prefix v2 (PR #1842)
  • Added PostgreSQL option target_session_attrs (PR #1847)
  • Added support for spec overrides when restoring AWX (PR #1862)

Please see the releases pages for more details:
AWX: Release 24.4.0 · ansible/awx · GitHub
Operator: Release 2.17.0 · ansible/awx-operator · GitHub

The AWX team


Martin Jackson said

servicenow.itsm 2.6.1 was released today. It is a documentation-only bugfix release, since version 2.6.0 was inadvertently released with the wrong documentation.

sshnaidm said

Ansible Podman collection released 1.14.0 version with big changes. Podman container and pod modules increased their idempotency significantly and added about 50 new options including GPUs support for AI workflows. Podman network got flexible network configuration, Podman volume supports now mount and unmount, check out other features in our changelog.


mariolenz shared

We have started a discussion about recommending to avoid using aliases for module options. Please discuss this with us and tell us what you think about it!

Felix Fontein shared

There’s also a discussion on the future of the weekly Ansible Community Meeting, currently happening every Wednesday on Matrix from 18:00 UTC to 19:00 UTC: Future of the weekly Ansible Community Meeting

anwesha shared

Community Execution Environments have been on the scene for several months. We need to figure out the following regarding the project’s release cadence. The questions on hand are the following:

  • Should the EE Base release be tied to the Ansible Community release, and EE Minimal to the release of Ansible-core? Or should both of them come together?
  • How many days after ansible-core and ansible package release should we schedule the release of EE Minimal and Base?
  • How many versions of Minimal should we have (all the stable ones such as ansible-core)?

For now both Base and Minimal EEs are released together a day after Ansible package release (only 2.17-1 Minimal EE remains an exception).

Please feel free to share your views in reply to the forum topic

On behalf of Ansible Community, happy automating.


anwesha shared

Ansible Minneapolis meetup group is meeting again on 20th June, 2024. We will be doing a recap of AnsibleFest/Summit announcements as well as an overview of Ansible-builder.
Got something fun or interesting you’ve automated with Ansible? We would love to hear all about it, we are always looking for speakers - contact the organizers to get added to the calendar! Follow the meetup group in Minneapolis and find your local Ansible meetup group in here.


Have any questions you’d like to ask, or issues you’d like to see covered? Please ask in! See you next time!


On a side and maybe unrelated note, I’m so happy the recommended installation method for ansible is :
python3 -m pip install ansible==10.0.0rc1 --user
… whereas the whole world seems to be happy with pip install (which is a terrible habit imho).