The Bullhorn #124

This week in Ansible Community

Issue #124, 2023-12-11 (Past Issues)

Welcome to The Bullhorn, our newsletter for the Ansible Community. If you have any questions or content you’d like to share, you’re welcome to chat with us in the Ansible Social room on Matrix, and mention newsbot to have your news item tagged for review for the next weekly issue!

KEY DATES :stopwatch:

cybette shared


gotmax23 shared

Ansible community package release schedule

From now on, the Ansible community package release schedule will follow the Ansible Core release schedule, including (for example) delays for holidays. This means Ansible releases happen every four weeks through most of the year, but release dates may be delayed when Ansible Core release is. For the upcoming holiday season, this means that there will be no Ansible release in early January, but instead on January 30th.

Oranod shared

Redirecting the ecosystem page! Your feedback is requested!

As part of the continuing work on Ansible ecosystem documentation we’re planning to redirect the ecosystem page from “” to “”. This redirect will remove the duplicate listing of ecosystem projects and create a single place for all ecosystem content.

Before we add the redirect we’d like to get your feedback. Please leave a comment on the pull request or head over to the docs channel on Matrix and let us know your thoughts.

samccann said

Ansible Working Group meeting calendar

The shared Ansible Working Group ICS meeting file has moved here. Please update your calendars to use this new location! See details in the project README.


Antsibull :arrow_upper_right:

Tooling for building the Ansible package and collection documentation.

gotmax23 shared

antsibull-docs 2.6.0 has been released with a fix for EXAMPLES parsing and error message improvements.

gotmax23 said

antsibull-core 2.2.0 has been released! The release declares official support for Python 3.12 and contains some improvements to the subprocess_util module.

Ansible :arrow_upper_right:

The Ansible package includes ansible-core and is a batteries-included package that provides a curated set of Ansible collections. See the Ansible roadmaps for future release plans.

anwesha shared

Ansible 9.1.0 is out :heart:

:minidisc:You can install it by running the following command or download the release tarball directly from pypi:

python3 -m pip install ansible==9.1.0 --user

:arrow_right: Check Release Notes​:package::spiral_notepad: and Ansible 9 Porting Guide for more details!

anwesha contributed

Ansible 8.7.0 is out :heart:

:minidisc:You can install it by running the following command or download the release tarball directly from pypi:

python3 -m pip install ansible==8.7.0 --user

:arrow_right: Check Release Notes​:package::spiral_notepad: and Ansible 8 Porting Guide for more details!

Ansible-Core :arrow_upper_right: :zap:

The ansible-core package contains the base engine and a small subset of modules and plugins. To see what’s planned for the next release, look at the ansible-core roadmaps.

cybette said

New releases: ansible-core 2.15.7 and 2.16.1.

PROJECT UPDATES :hammer_and_wrench:

AWX Project :arrow_upper_right:

AWX provides a web-based user interface, REST API, and task engine built on top of Ansible. Join the AWX discussion in the Ansible Community Forum.

thedoubl3j said

We’re happy to announce that the next release of AWX, version 23.5.1 is now available!

In addition AWX Operator version 2.9.0 has also been released!
Some notable features include:

  • Add option to force drop database before restore
  • Bump Ansible Operator SDK version to 1.32.0 for OS updates

Please see the releases pages for more details: AWX, Operator.

Ansible Community Execution Environment

anwesha contributed

We’re happy to announce the release of the

Ansible Community Execution Environment Minimal 2.16.1-1 (Latest)
Ansible Community Execution Environment Minimal 2.15.7-1

To find out what’s inside the container images and how to get them, please refer to the annoucement post on the forum.

anwesha said

We’re happy to announce the release of the

Ansible Community Execution Environment Base 2.16.1-2 (Latest)
Ansible Community Execution Environment Base 2.15.7-1

To find out what’s inside the container images and how to get them, please refer to the annoucement post on the forum.


mariolenz shared

It looks like the netapp.storagegrid collection is effectively unmaintained. According to the current community guidelines for collections, we consider removing it in a future version of the Ansible community package. Please see Unmaintained collection: netapp.storagegrid for more information or to announce that you’re interested in taking over the maintenance of (a fork of) netapp.storagegrid.

At least one month after this announcement appears here and in the collection’s issue tracker, the Ansible Community Steering Committee will vote on whether this collection is considered unmaintained and will be removed, or whether it will be kept. If it will be removed, this will happen earliest in Ansible 11. Please note that you can still manually install the collection with ansible-galaxy collection install netapp.storagegrid even when it has been removed from Ansible.

resmo contributed 1.11.0 has been released with new features and bugfixes. See the changelog for more details.

Felix Fontein contributed

community.routeros 2.11.0 has been released with new features for the API modules.

Felix Fontein contributed

community.general 8.1.0 has been released with new features and bugfixes, and multiple new plugins and modules.

roverflow contributed

Major release for the following network and security collections are out:

ansible.utils 3.0.0, ansible.netcommon 6.0.0, cisco.ios 6.0.0, cisco.iosxr 7.0.0, cisco.nxos 6.0.0, arista.eos 7.0.0, junipernetwork.junos 6.0.0, cisco.asa 5.0.0, ibm.qradar 3.0.0, trendmicro.deepsec 3.0.0, ansible.yang 2.0.0, 3.0.0, 3.0.0, 2.0.0, network.base 5.0.0, network.acls 2.0.0, network.interfaces 4.0.0, network.telemetry 2.0.0, network.vpn 3.0.0, network.bgp 5.0.0, network.ospf 4.0.0, ansible.snmp 2.0.0.

You can refer the GitHub release page for details on the respective collections.

Felix Fontein contributed

community.docker 3.5.0 has been released. It contains multiple bugfixes related to the release of Docker SDK for Python 7.0.0, which happens to be incompatible with docker-compose v1 that the community.docker.docker_compose module is using. The community.docker.docker_container module now has better platform support: the module tries to apply the same normalization to the platform string that’s done by Docker daemon itself, which improves idempotency when the option is used. Also the default ignore of community.docker.docker_container’s image_name_mismatch option has been deprecated, it will switch to recreate in community.docker 4.0.0. A deprecation warning is emitted in situations where the behavior will change. The new behavior will be closer to what users expect, but can cause unwanted restarts.

abuzachis said 7.1.0 has been released with some new features and several bugfixes (see changelog for details). 6.5.1 has been released with several bugfixes. (see changelog for details).


gotmax23 shared

The Steering Committee is discussing efforts to more thoroughly test collections within the Ansible package. See the forum topic for more information and feel free to chime in!

andersson007_ said

The Ansible community slogan poll has been opened! To get the context, see the topic’s description. Please help the community choose the best slogan!

gotmax23 contributed

The Steering Committee is discussing extending the Ansible 9 release cycle from 6 months to 1 year. See the forum topic for more information, and feel free to chime in! We are especially interested in hearing from collection maintainers.


Have any questions you’d like to ask, or issues you’d like to see covered? Please ask in! See you next time!

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