Terraform Module - Output Returns Empty after Successful Run.

Hello Ansible Users,

I am trying to run/use the Ansible’s Terraform Module to provision the servers in Public Cloud. The Terraform Code works fine when run manually and through Ansible, but, the Ansible doesn’t return the output of the resources being provisioned by Terraform.

Per Ansible’s Terraform Module documentation it is expected to return a “output” key on success with the details of the resources being provisioned. But, in my case its empty.


  • hosts: localhost
    gather_facts: false
    become: false


  • name: Provision AWS
    project_path: “/home/terraform/aws-vm”
    state: present
    force_init: true
    type: t2.micro
    register: terraform

  • debug:
    var: terraform

ok: [localhost] => {
“terraform”: {
“changed”: true,
“command”: “/usr/bin/terraform apply -no-color -input=false -auto-approve=true -lock=true /tmp/tmp5plmx0xb.tfplan”,
“failed”: false,
“outputs”: {},
“state”: “present”,
“stderr”: “”,
“stderr_lines”: ,
“stdout”: “aws_instance.awsvm: Creating…\naws_instance.awsvm: Still creating… [10s elapsed]\naws_instance.awsvm: Still creating… [20s elapsed]\naws_instance.awsvm: Still creating… [30s elapsed]\naws_instance.awsvm: Still creating… [40s elapsed]\naws_instance.awsvm: Creation complete after 42s [id=i-068dd9cb7d994abe3]\n\nApply complete! Resources: 1 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.\n\nThe state of your infrastructure has been saved to the path\nbelow. This state is required to modify and destroy your\ninfrastructure, so keep it safe. To inspect the complete state\nuse the terraform show command.\n\nState path: terraform.tfstate\n”,
“stdout_lines”: [
“aws_instance.awsvm: Creating…”,
“aws_instance.awsvm: Still creating… [10s elapsed]”,
“aws_instance.awsvm: Still creating… [20s elapsed]”,
“aws_instance.awsvm: Still creating… [30s elapsed]”,
“aws_instance.awsvm: Still creating… [40s elapsed]”,
“aws_instance.awsvm: Creation complete after 42s [id=i-068dd9cb7d994abe3]”,
“Apply complete! Resources: 1 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.”,
“The state of your infrastructure has been saved to the path”,
“below. This state is required to modify and destroy your”,
“infrastructure, so keep it safe. To inspect the complete state”,
“use the terraform show command.”,
“State path: terraform.tfstate”
“workspace”: “default”

Can anyone please help me resolving the issue.

What ansible documentation say is that the terraform ansible module ouputs Terraform outputs https://www.terraform.io/docs/configuration/outputs.html

If you don’t have any Terraform output declared in your .tf files you won’t see any output.