When using the template module within a loop, my mode comes out all weird/wrong. When using stand-alone it works:
name: test
src: “files/sssd.conf”
dest: “/etc/sssd/sssd.conf”
mode: 0600
group: root
owner: root -
name: Add/Update required files
src: “{{item.src}}”
dest: “{{item.dst}}”
owner: root
group: root
mode: “{{item.mode}}”
with_items: -
{src: “files/sssd.conf”,
dst: “/etc/sssd/sssd.conf”,
mode: 0600} -
{src: “files/krb5.conf”,
dst: “/etc/krb5.conf”,
mode: 0644} -
{name: “dc1.cer”,
src: “files/dc1.cer”,
dst: “/etc/ssl/certs/dc1.cer”,
mode: 0644}
notify: restart sssd
Results :
TASK [ldap_users : test] ********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
changed: [ansibletest-oel6]
TASK [ldap_users : Add/Update required files] ********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
failed: [ansibletest-oel6] (item={u’src’: u’files/sssd.conf’, u’dst’: u’/etc/sssd/sssd.conf’, u’mode’: 384}) => {“details”: “bad symbolic permission for mode: 384”, “failed”: true, “gid”: 0, “group”: “root”, “item”: {“dst”: “/etc/sssd/sssd.conf”, “mode”: 384, “src”: “files/sssd.conf”}, “mode”: “0416”, “msg”: “mode must be in octal or symbolic form”, “owner”: “root”, “path”: “/etc/sssd/sssd.conf”, “size”: 1445, “state”: “file”, “uid”: 0}
ok: [ansibletest-oel6] => (item={u’src’: u’files/krb5.conf’, u’dst’: u’/etc/krb5.conf’, u’mode’: 420})
ok: [ansibletest-oel6] => (item={u’src’: u’files/dc1.cer’, u’dst’: u’/etc/ssl/certs/dc1.cer’, u’name’: u’dc1.cer’, u’mode’: 420})
As you can see from the above, the test works (confirmed that the mode is truly 0600 on the target server). From the second part of the results, you can see that it is trying to tweak the mode different than the test. The first one it bombs on (mode 0600) and the second two (0644) it changes to 420… like a umask is being applied.
Is this a bug? or am I doing something wrong?