'Hope this is not a stupid question but …
I have an existing inventory and playbook associated with it. The inventory has entries like this:
The foo playbook has templatized config files … and there’s the rub. I want the foo playbook to work on s8 and s9, BUT, I want different strings to be substituted when the template gets processed, depending on whether I am on s8 or s9.
I know this is doable, I just don’t know how, or how to do it cleanly …
Ideas? (And thanks).
Kai already mentioned host_vars. If you rather want to do stuff in the
template, then do something like this:
- template:
src: "foobar"
dest: "/some/path"
when: 'inventory_hostname == "s8" or inventory_hostname == "s9"'
In the template:
########### snip #############
{% if inventory_hostname == "s8" %}
Here is stuff for s8.
{% elif inventory_hostname == "s9" %}
Here is stuff for s9.
{% endif %}
########### snip #############
s8 and s9 is groups, not hosts since they are in [foo:children] so this will not work.
Sorry, my bad. Then use this:
{% if inventory_hostname in groups["s8"] or ...