I am running winrm from my Mac with ansible:
here is my task thats causes a failure, don’t know what variable is being referred here, any help appreciated.
My task file for the playbook with the role:
- name: check if virtualenv exists
win_stat: path=“C:\Users\voiceqa\venv”
register: stat_file
- name: debug stat
tags: InstallWiresharkService
debug: var=stat_file.stat.exists
- name: install virtual environment
command: virtualenv C:\Users\voiceqa\venv
any_errors_fatal: true
when: not stat_file.stat.exists
register: out
- debug: var=out.stderr_lines
tags: InstallWiresharkService
playbook Run output snippet at error:
ok: [] => {“changed”: false, “invocation”: {“module_name”: “win_stat”}, “stat”: {“exists”: false}}
Perform task: TASK: windows : debug stat (y/n/c): y
Perform task: TASK: windows : debug stat (y/n/c): ******************************
TASK [windows : debug stat] ****************************************************
task path: /Users/dnveer/p4_ws/comms/qa/common/python/projects/dlb-ansible-utils/main/dlb-ansible-utils/src/dlb_ansible_utils/playbooks/roles/windows/tasks/main.yml:10
ok: [] => {
“stat_file.stat.exists”: false
Perform task: TASK: windows : install virtual environment (y/n/c): y
Perform task: TASK: windows : install virtual environment (y/n/c): *************
TASK [windows : install virtual environment] ***********************************
task path: /Users/dnveer/p4_ws/comms/qa/common/python/projects/dlb-ansible-utils/main/dlb-ansible-utils/src/dlb_ansible_utils/playbooks/roles/windows/tasks/main.yml:14
skipping: [] => {“changed”: false, “invocation”: {“module_args”: {“_raw_params”: “virtualenv C:\Users\voiceqa\venv”}, “module_name”: “raw”}, “skipped”: true}
Perform task: TASK: windows : debug (y/n/c): y
Perform task: TASK: windows : debug (y/n/c): ***********************************
TASK [windows : debug] *********************************************************
task path: /Users/dnveer/p4_ws/comms/qa/common/python/projects/dlb-ansible-utils/main/dlb-ansible-utils/src/dlb_ansible_utils/playbooks/roles/windows/tasks/main.yml:23
ok: [] => {
“out.stderr_lines”: “VARIABLE IS NOT DEFINED!”
Perform task …