Task to input fields into a interactive database script.


I am looking to automate this task within ansible and have no idea really how to do this.

I run the set up script manually on the host(s) like this:

I call the “setup” script below with npm run options:

npm run setup

The script then prompts for my user input to provide the following details:

  • Postgresql Superuser (for database creation) [default: postgres]:postgres
  • New Database Username (for readonly access) [default: postcodesio]:postcodesio
  • Password for new user [default: secret]:secret
  • Postgresql Host [default: localhost]:localhost
  • Database Name [default: postcodesiodb]:postcodesiodb
  • Postgresql Port: [default: 5432]:5432

Once these have been provided the script completes. Pleas help in advising how I can go about automating this in ansible.



I think you can use https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/modules/expect_module.html


Thanks Karol,

I’ve given that a go. Initially wasn’t working because I didn’t have the pexpect module installed but I think I have that sorted with the following dependencies installed now: epel, pip and pexpect > version 3.3.

I have tried running this task but it just hangs for the entire timeout duration I have set.

  • name: Setup postcodesiodb
    echo: yes
    chdir: “/apps/was/postcodes.io
    command: npm run setup
    timeout: “10”
  • Postgresql Superuser (for database creation) [default’:’ postgres]: “postgres”
  • New Database Username (for readonly access) [default’:’ postcodesio]: “postcodesio”
  • Password for new user [default’:’ secret]: “secret”
  • Postgresql Host [default’:’ localhost]: “localhost”
  • Database Name [default’:’ postcodesiodb]: “postcodesiodb”
  • Postgresql Port [default’:’ 5432]: “5432”
  • setup
  • install

I have also tried with no space after the final colon but that then changes the font to all orange which doesn’t seem right. Regardless, i tried it but the error was still exactly the same as below:

Fatal: [hostname]: FAILED! => {“changed”: true, “cmd”: “npm run setup”, “delta”: “0:02:00.145566”, “end”: “2020-08-25 21:33:22.107526”, “msg”: “command exceeded timeout”, “rc”: null, “start”: “2020-08-25 21:31:21.961960”,

“Postgresql Superuser (for database creation) [default: postgres]:”]}

This is the only error logging I have but it’s failed at the first input I am attempting to populate here the postgres Super user. Any ideas how I need to pass in these answers and or variables if I don’t want to hard code? Currently it looks like it is picking up a corrupt / blank value as shown by those chatacters in the green section below.
“Postgresql Superuser (for database creation) [default: postgres]:”]}

The wording / syntax of the questions when the script is called is exactly like this:
Postgresql Superuser (for database creation) [default: postgres]:

Any ideas much appreciated.



Is it just a question of how I frame my inputs or am I missing the point here completely?

I’ve tried the likes of below but still the same error

  • name: Setup postcodesiodb
    echo: yes
    chdir: “/apps/was/postcodes.io”
    command: npm run setup
    timeout: “10”
  • ‘[ postgres ]’
  • ‘[ postcodesio ]’
  • ‘[ secret ]’
  • ‘[ localhost ]’
  • ‘[ postcodesiodb ]’
  • ‘[ 5432 ]’
  • setup
  • install
  • test

Error: “Postgresql Superuser (for database creation) [default: postgres]:”]}

I am struggling to find any other working solutions for ansible to manage an interactive script such as this so any help much appreciated.