task order execution


I'm facin g following ISSUE.

My roles are mostly multi distribution enabled. My testing env is based
on 8 different distribution/releases
  - debian 7/8, ubuntu 14.04/16.04, centos 6/7, rhel 6/7

My way how to do distribution specific task is as follow

air-2:zabbix-agent hudecof$ cat tasks/main.yml

I created test role to demostrate the problem, could be on github

The output log on 8 different OS
- debian:7,8
- centos: 6,7
- ubuntu: 14.04, 16.04
- rhel: 6,7

is in logs directory

As you can see, the task 01 for debian/ubuntu is run first, then is run
task 02, which is common for all servers and after that is run task 01
from centos/rhel.

On vars/os-XXXX.yml is the task order defined and I need to run the task
in that order, They are defendant ;(
Any advise?
