sysctl module usage in playbooks


testing ansible (thanks for this amazing SW!)
I would like to be able to switch ON or OFF a kernel parameter via some code similar to:

  • name: Make sure the following item is turned ON
    action: sysctl value=1 name=$item state=present
  • ‘net.ipv4.icmp_echo_ignore_all’

that works well.

to avoid code duplication that just differ by “value=0”
I’m wondering about any possibility to have something like:

  • vars:
    toggle: 1

  • name: Make sure the following item are turned ON
    action: sysctl value=$toggle name=$item state=present

  • 'net.ipv4.icmp_echo_ignore_all

so the value to be set is not hardcoded - but calculated/inferred, to be able to switch it from 1 on 0 (enable/disable)
(use case: switch the value to: 1 - currentValue to activate/deactivate the ping )

I’ve not been able to make this working and suspect this is not working
What am I missing ?

thanks for your help.
