synchronize error


I am having trouble executing this playbook

  • hosts: chronam-servers
    SOLR_VERSION: 4.10.4
    SOLR_HOME: “/opt/solr”

  • name: download solr {{SOLR_VERSION}}
    get_url: dest=/tmp/solr-{{SOLR_VERSION}}.tgz url={{SOLR_VERSION}}/solr-{{SOLR_VERSION}}.tgz

  • name: untar solr {{SOLR_VERSION}}
    unarchive: src=/tmp/solr-{{SOLR_VERSION}}.tgz dest=/tmp creates=/tmp/solr-{{SOLR_VERSION}}

  • name: create solr user
    user: name=solr home={{SOLR_HOME}} shell=/bin/bash append=yes state=present system=yes
    become: yes

  • name: copy example directory to {{SOLR_HOME}}
    synchronize: dest={{SOLR_HOME}} src=/tmp/solr-{{SOLR_VERSION}}/example/ recursive=yes owner=solr group=solr mode=0775
    delegate_to: “{{inventory_hostname}}”
    become: yes

  • name: Copy chronam config files
    copy: dest={{item.dest}} src={{item.src}}

  • { src: ‘conf/schema.xml’, dest: “{{SOLR_HOME}}/solr/collection1/conf/schema.xml” }

  • { src: ‘conf/solrconfig.xml’, dest: “{{SOLR_HOME}}/solr/collection1/conf/solrconfig.xml” }
    become: yes

  • name: start solr
    service: name=jetty8 state=started
    become: yes

I am getting the error:

PLAY [chronam-servers] ********************************************************

GATHERING FACTS ***************************************************************
ok: [localhost]

TASK: [download solr {{SOLR_VERSION}}] ****************************************
ok: [localhost]

TASK: [untar solr {{SOLR_VERSION}}] *******************************************
ok: [localhost]

TASK: [create solr user] ******************************************************
ok: [localhost]

TASK: [copy example directory to {{SOLR_HOME}}] *******************************
failed: [localhost → localhost] => {“failed”: true}
msg: Boolean solr not in either boolean list

FATAL: all hosts have already failed – aborting

PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************
to retry, use: --limit @/home/ubuntu/solr.retry

localhost : ok=4 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=1

What does “Boolean solr not in either boolean list” mean? How do I fix it?
