Support for gathering facts before evaluating conditional playbook includes?


I’ve been looking at using the support for conditionally including playbooks, that was introduced in Ansible 2.0, to simplify some old playbooks. I noticed that the playbook include conditionals are evaluated before any variables have been loaded. This means if you do something like:


  • include: other_playbook.yml
    when: false

you get the nice:

skipping playbook include ‘other_playbook.yml’ due to conditional test failure

and the conditional doesn’t get applied to every task inside the playbook. This is great and prevents having potentially hundreds of skipped tasks for a playbook that never ran.

However, if you use a conditional with any variable in it, even something like:


  • include:other_playbook.yml
    when:“‘{{ ansible_hostname }}’ | match(‘special_server’)”
    the code in playbook/ will throw an AnsibleError when evaluating the conditional because ansible_hostname is undefined. It then passes the conditional on to every task.

Besides the extra skipped output, we’ve run into issues where roles get marked skipped inside other_playbook.yml and then aren’t run by a later playbook. This led to some allow_duplicates being added to ensure the roles would be run the second time (which has led to some other complications with our upgrade to 2.x).

I’m curious if there’s a reason fact gathering couldn’t be done (if enabled) before playbook includes are evaluated to support better conditional includes. This would prevent a lot of skipped tasks and unnecessary allow_duplicate usage in our situation. Or is there a better way to approach this in general?

Thomas Brezinski