Subdirectories in host_vars


does host_vars directory support subdirectories? So multiple variables can be organized in multiple YAML files inside the host subdirectory. For example:

├─ host_vars/
├─── hostname_1.tld/

├───── secrets.yaml
├───── variables.yaml
├─── hostname_2.tld/
├───── secrets.yaml
├───── other_variables.yaml
└─ …

Thank you for possible answers and helping out.


Thank you so much for your answer.

Yes, it works correctly as expected. Issue was that I was overriding the variables from the roles incorrectly (roles/something/vars/main.yaml) and should use the roles/something/defaults/main.yaml for that. The host_vars work as expected.

I tend to use rolename/vars for things that are rather static.
For instance, a dict of software versions and their checksums, which
will never change.