Stuck on with_items and trying to pass specific value from 1 task to the next


I’ve spent the past few days trying to find a solution to a challenge I have. Hopefully someone here has the answer.

Here is a slimmed down version, which hopefully will help me move forwards.

  • hosts: satellite
    gather_facts: False
    remote_user: root

  • name: test
    hostname: vcenter
    username: me
    datacenter: DC1
    folder: /DC1/vm
    validate_certs: no
    name: “{{ item }}”
    register: facts
    delegate_to: localhost

  • ltdrob002

  • ltdrob003

  • debug: msg=“{{ facts.results[0].instance.hw_eth0.macaddress }}”
    with_items: “{{ facts.results }}”


The above works, it goes to vcenter and prints the MAC address of the first server (in reference to item [0]). However it prints the MAC address of the first VM when its getting the facts of the second VM. What I am trying to achieve is to get the MAC address printed for the relevant VM as it loops through. So in the debug area… I want it to resemble something like:


  • debug: msg=“{{ item.facts.results.instance.hw_eth0.macaddress }}”

with_items: “{{ facts.results }}”


The above code doesn’t work and the error…
“The task includes an option with an undefined variable. The error was: ‘dict object’ has no attribute ‘facts’” is seen.

A bit of background… this is optional, help on the above is great for now.
The challenge I have is that I need to provision a group of VMs, via the use of with_list (I have a seperate vars file with required vm info in, i.e. vmName: ltdrob003). Currently I have this working fine with just a single VM. I need to pass the MAC address of the VM to Satellite (Hammer) so that Satellite is able to PXE boot/configure the VM.

The MAC address gets generated when the VM is created so this needs to be passed to Hammer. As stated, I have this working for 1 VM at a time, but it would be nice to pass to Ansible a list of VMs to create and have it create them in 1-run. I achieve this currently with the below and the hammer command just references “{{ vm_mac }}”.


  • set_fact:
    vm_mac: “{{ results.instance.hw_eth0.macaddress }}”

My plan will be to alter the name of the fact to match the name of the vm, i.e… “{{ vmName }}_mac”:
and then have Hammer reference the MAC via lookup:

mac="{{ vars[vmName + '_mac'] }}":

I can add further detail, but initially I wanted to try and put a simple example in the hope that this will get some responses.

Many thanks in advance.

The answer in Ansible lookup values from complex structure? may give you and idea.