Hi, first of all i would like to introduce myself, i work with linux and AIX systems and I’m trying to have some automation over the servers farm
I’m new to ansible and i’ve been reading the docs and i get how playbooks works but i’m still pretty new with all this so i’m learning everyday about modules and how to use them.
Problem comes as i have a tight agenda and i’m getting stuck with some tasks i don’t know how to get over with, basically because i lack the knowlegde of the modules to use or how yo use them.
What i’m trying to do is a playbook to install some agents, so i have to do several tasks like creating users, checking Fs and install the agent
The Playbook i’ve created is still a work in progress as it’s on a very early stage
-rw-r–r-- 1 ansible ansible 141 sep 28 16:48 patrol.yml
drwxr-xr-x 5 ansible ansible 40 sep 28 14:03 roles
drwxr-xr-x 2 ansible ansible 38 sep 28 17:25 vars
total 8
-rw-r–r-- 1 ansible ansible 24 sep 28 17:25 aix.yml
-rw-r–r-- 1 ansible ansible 24 sep 28 17:25 linux.yml
-rw-r–r-- 1 ansible ansible 808 sep 28 13:54 comunes.yml
On vars i have comunes as the first variables:
is_aix: “‘{{ ansible_distribution|lower }}’ == ‘aix’”
is_linux: “‘{{ ansible_system|lower }}’ == ‘linux’”
is_centos: “‘{{ ansible_distribution|lower }}’ == ‘centos’”
is_ubuntu: “‘{{ ansible_distribution|lower }}’ == ‘ubuntu’”
is_redhat: “‘{{ ansible_distribution|lower }}’ == ‘redhat’”
is_redhat6: “‘{{ ansible_distribution|lower }}’ == ‘redhat’ and ‘{{ ansible_distribution_major_version }}’ == ‘6’”
is_redhat65: “‘{{ ansible_distribution|lower }}’ == ‘redhat’ and ‘{{ ansible_distribution_version }}’ == ‘6.5’”
is_aix5: “‘{{ ansible_system|lower }}’ == ‘aix’ and ‘{{ ansible_distribution_version }}’ == ‘5’”
is_aix6: “‘{{ ansible_system|lower }}’ == ‘aix’ and ‘{{ ansible_distribution_version }}’ == ‘6’”
is_aix7: “‘{{ ansible_system|lower }}’ == ‘aix’ and ‘{{ ansible_distribution_version }}’ == ‘7’”
And on aix and linux must go specific variables based on the OS platform, like var dir_agente with the installation path. The main playbook is patrol.yml
- hosts: masteraix71
“vars/{{ ansible_system|lower }}.yml”
Through meta patrol depends on users and fs, my problem is with the fs role, as it has to check the Fs to use, some checks are:
The path exists and is a dir
The volume exists on LVM
The volume is mounted and on fstab
The first one i’m doing it through stat so it fails if the file exist and its not a directory and create the mount point if it doesn’t exist