Strange thing with Jinja2 expressions evaluation

With this playbook:

- name: test playbook
� hosts:
� connection: local
� gather_facts: no
� tasks:
��� - debug: msg="{{ 'ansible'|replace('a', 'b') }}"

Output will be:


But with this:

- name: test playbook
� hosts:
� connection: local
� gather_facts: no
� tasks:
��� - debug: msg="{{ 'ansible'|regex_replace('a', 'b') }}"

Output will be:

"{{'ansible'|regex_replace('a', 'b')}}"

Why in the last example expression is not evaluated?

I use Ansible 1.5.4

That's a pretty old version of ansible. I suspect that the
regex_replace filter didn't exist then. You should definitely upgrade
since it works on 1.7.1.

Yep yep.

(You’re also missing some security upgrades, so I would strongly recommend using 1.7.1 even if you don’t need this)

We try to note in the docs every time there’s a feature added in a specific version, but I see we didn’t do that for regex_replace, so I’ll add the note about it.

Thanks very much for the report!

Yes indeed, I forgot to add Ansible PPA. Thanks!