Storing facts centrally

Is there a mechanism to save the facts from the setup module in a local
file on the central machine?

ie a sort of collision between the fetch and setup modules :slight_smile:

[I know I can run setup as a ansible standalone command, but I'd like to
be able to save the setup from a whole set of machines from within a



Is there a mechanism to save the facts from the setup module in a local
file on the central machine?

Yes there is, using a callback. (I'm crafting an article on how to do
that as we speak.) Have a look at lib/ansible/callback_plugins/
specifically the `' example therein.

Ansible used to drop the setup on the managed nodes, but that feature
was removed. Callbacks allow us to, say, take the facts and shove them
into a database.


Ansible used to drop the setup on the managed nodes, but that feature
was removed. Callbacks allow us to, say, take the facts and shove them
into a database.

Ansible-commander is going to contain one of these to allow browsing
the current state of facts on all nodes, as well as finding nodes
based on fact-values. However, to get something like fetch, it's simpler:

ansible all -m setup --tree /tmp/dump_path

Which will save one JSON file per host name in the "dump_path" directory.

I'm just catching up on some of the other threads here.

I solved this with a template and a playbook. The playbook collects the facts -- nodeinfo is a module I developed that collects other facts that Ansible's default set does not handle.

I then run a task a template on the localhost to generate the file with the to_json filter.

The playbook:

- name: collect and cache facts about hosts
  hosts: all:!localhost
  - name: collect node info
    action: nodeinfo
- name: generate facts file
  hosts: localhost
  - name: writing facts
    action: template src=templates/hostvars.j2 dest=~/facts.json

The template:

{{ hostvars|to_json|safe }}

If you don't have extra node info to collect like me, you have a couple of options. Do a ping in the first play -- simple quick and harmless. Another thing I could have done is combined the two plays and write a local file per host something like this (untested):

hosts: all!localhost
  - name: writing facts
    action: template src=templates/hostvars.j2 dest=~/${inventory_hostname}.facts.json
    delegate_to: localhost

{{ hostvars[inventory_hostname] | to_json | safe }}

The one thing I don't like so much about tjis solution is creating such a tiny never changing "template" to achieve this. Being able to pass a string instead of a filename to the template engine would be nice.
