sshpass: Failed to set controlling terminal in child (TIOCSCTTY)


I’m getting somewhat frustrated with this, I’ve all of a sudden started getting the below error on several servers, other servers do not have the issue (they are all running the same package versions/kernel).

sshpass: Failed to set controlling terminal in child (TIOCSCTTY)

I raised a ticket for Ansible:

In which it was suggested that the issue was with sshpass (although my execution environment has not updated in over 2 months).

I’ve tried switching to paramiko, and now I get:

Failed to authenticate: Bad authentication type; allowed types: [‘publickey’, ‘gssapi-keyex’, ‘gssapi-with-mic’]"

Which seems to me that paramiko is not using public key authentication (password authentication is disabled on the servers).

So I can’t use ssh, and I can’t use paramiko. I can’t find any documentation to disable sshpass (I assume this is not actually needed as I’m only using public key authentication).

So what do I do? My AWX instance has been rendered useless overnight.

Hello Polonius,
Your question seems to be about using Ansible, not about AWX. is the best place to visit for user questions about Ansible. Thanks!

-AWX Team


Thanks for your reply. The original error was related to ansible, however this has now crossed over to AWX.

Is it possible for paramiko to use private keys stored in AWX as a credential? I get ‘Bad authentication type’ from the server when using paramiko as the connection type. This suggests to me that paramiko has not found the SSH key within AWX and fallen back to password auth.



Any tips? I would like to either use paramiko, or disabled sshpass (I can’t find a way to disable use of sshpass).

Using paramiko, with an AWX public key credential results in ‘Bad authentication type’.


Hi Polonius,

Could you please supply a more detailed stack trace of the Paramiko error? You should be able to see the allowed connection types to paramiko-ssh and this might help us trace down the error.

AWX Team