SSH to Oracle SBC

Hi All,

I am a beginner to Ansible . I tried to connect to Oracle SBC using below command ash is failing .But it is successful to normal Linux remote hosts.

Ansible 10.x.x.x -i inventory -u admin -m ping -k -vvv

Output is coming as

Failed to connect to host via SSH

Please help here


Could someone help me here pls

Ansible requires a shell and python (or other interpreters) on the
target machine to be usable, the `ping` module verifies these.

From what i googled sbc is a 'appliance', at best you might be able to

use the `raw` module to execute commands, or you might need specific
modules designed for this appliance.

Thanks Brian will check on that module and come back for clarifications .


Hi Brain,

I tried exploring on usage of raw module but unable to use it . Can you give me a sample code for the same pls .
