SSH returned 255 == too long Control Persist paths, updates coming

Hi all,

We’ve identified that many “SSH returned 255” errors come from too long SSH control persist paths (this can happen if you have long usernames coupled with long hostnames).

Not only are we making this configurable (thanks to a very nice pull request), we’ll be modifying ansible shortly to detect this specific case and add an additional extreme debugging mode (-vvvv) that it will tell you to run if you get a 255 to see what’s up.

Expect some updates tomorrow, but wanted to share if anybody wasn’t sure what a 255 from SSH was, changing -q to -vvv tells quite a bit. The “-vvvv” option to Ansible will enable it programatically.

This isn’t something new in 1.3, but rather something new when we moved Control Persist paths into a home directory based location in 1.2.X.

Stay tuned!