ssh issue over non root account

Hi guys,

I have issue with connecting over ssh to other machine using non root account. First of all, I create new fresh non root user. When I try to ssh , it gives permission denied message. Then I created key pairs using ssh-keygen and tried ssh-copy-id , it gives the same message. I added key tp authorized_keys file, however, the same issue. Could you please help to setup it asap, I can’t start ansible course due to this issue.

Thanks in advance

Your course should mention that SSH access is a requirement for the course :slight_smile:
In any case as you pointed out it’s not really an ansible specific problem but rather a generic system administration issue.
Read for some hints

Reg ‘asap’ - I wouldn’t expect people to hurry because of poor planning and preparation on your side…

Your course should mention that SSH access is a requirement for the course :slight_smile:
In any case as you pointed out it's not really an ansible specific problem but rather a generic system administration issue.
Read for some hints

Reg 'asap' - I wouldn't expect people to hurry because of poor planning and preparation on your side...

Yes, definitely agree with this.

@Orkhan you need to add the target user to your ssh command, e.g ssh <user>@<ip_address>.

