Yes, it is how it works by default, this is clearly documented.
Thank you!
I see my playbooks get no error with those files deleted - very nice!
After some checking i noted i need to add someoh that the target hosts need to be added as authorized hosts, when i use the playbooko it stops after using the rysnc manually at ther hostst and add the host to the known_hosts the playbook does its job.
This is the current PB:
- name: Generate SSH keypair on remote hosts and distribute keys
- "{{ sql_dest_srv }}" # {{ sql_dest_srv }}
- "{{ sql_src_srv }}" # {{ sql_src_srv }}
become: true
- name: Create a "sync_src" group
key: sync_src
when: ansible_default_ipv4.address == sql_src_srv # {{ sql_src_srv }}
- name: Create a "sync_dst" group
key: sync_dst
when: ansible_default_ipv4.address == sql_dest_srv # {{ sql_dest_srv }}
- name: Create SSH keypair in /tmp
hosts: localhost
- name: Create SSH keypair in /tmp
path: /tmp/id_rsa_remcpyusr
type: rsa
force: true
comment: "remcpyusr"
run_once: true
- name: Distribute the SSH public key
hosts: sync_src
- name: Distribute the SSH public key
src: /tmp/
dest: /home/remcpyusr/.ssh/authorized_keys
owner: remcpyusr
mode: '0644'
force: yes
- name: Distribute the SSH private key
hosts: sync_dst
- name: Distribute the SSH private key
src: /tmp/id_rsa_remcpyusr
dest: /home/remcpyusr/.ssh/id_rsa
owner: remcpyusr
mode: '0600'
force: yes
- name: Synchronize files to target host
hosts: sync_dst
- name: Synchronize files to target host
cmd: rsync -avz -e "ssh -i /home/remcpyusr/.ssh/id_rsa" remcpyusr@{{ sql_src_srv }}:/tmp/{{ sql_src_db }}.sql /tmp/ # {{ sql_src_srv }}
- name: Ensure key pair is absent on the controller and hosts
hosts: all
- name: Ensure key pair is absent on the controller and hosts
path: "{{ item }}"
state: absent
- /tmp/id_rsa_remcpyusr
- /tmp/
- /home/remcpyusr/.ssh/authorized_keys
- /home/remcpyusr/.ssh/id_rsa
Sorry, but youâve lost me there. I canât tell if youâre showing us something you discovered, asking for an explanation, or requesting assistance. Could you re-state it?
Sorry what i meant is i need to either add e way of accepting the first time connection wia ssh (rync etc via a playbook or have to add the hosts in the /.ssh/known_hosts manually.
I just made the discovery(Im not the huge Linux all day user until last summer, where i changed my employer, where i found that my previos 8 years in it administration was quite easygoing with guis everywhere) that if a device connect the first time via this ssh:22 based connection to a new host the first time you have to accept it - and so i saw the playbook got in a loop probably waiting for the âyesâ input to add the host to to the known_hosts.
so im asking is there something like a -y parameter whick accepts every request automactically?
My bot has propably an idea: ansible.builtin.known_hosts:
I try -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no in my rsync command.
I would relcome the syncronize module, but even at GL where i made a not bugrelated ticket i got no feedback until now - i think if its no bug ticket they doesnt have thie time to to look at those tooâŚ
Maybe ill ask reddit too.
Now im struggling with adding in my variable failsafe playbook the feature to ckeck if the choosen db even exists at the chossen source host.
I get the message the DB is missing.
And i noted that my playbook to add the sql migration user successfully executes without login_user etc. - so couldnt i leave the migration user and use those community.mysql. modules without another dedicated user?
- name: Display and compare extra variables and fail if they match
- "{{ sql_dest_srv }}" # {{ sql_dest_srv }}
- "{{ sql_src_srv }}" # {{ sql_src_srv }}
#gather_facts: false
ansible_python_interpreter: /opt/myenv/bin/python3
- name: Display the value of 'sql_src_srv'
msg: "The value of sql_src_srv is {{ sql_src_srv }}"
- name: Display the value of 'sql_src_db'
msg: "The value of sql_src_db is {{ sql_src_db }}"
- name: Display the value of 'sql_dest_srv'
msg: "The value of sql_dest_srv is {{ sql_dest_srv }}"
- name: Check if 'sql_src_srv' and 'sql_dest_srv' have the same content and fail if true
msg: "NONONONONONO - The values of sql_src_srv and sql_dest_srv are identical, which is not allowed."
when: sql_src_srv == sql_dest_srv
- name: Check if database {{ sql_src_db }} exists at {{ sql_src_srv }}
name: "{{ sql_src_db }}"
state: present
login_host: "{{ sql_src_srv }}"
login_unix_socket: "/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock"
register: result
failed_when: result.failed
changed_when: false
- name: Fail if chosen database does not exist at source host
msg: "The Sakila database does not exist."
when: result.msg is defined and '"sakila" does not exist' in result.msg
Can you even use the community.mysql.mysql_db for checking?
Got the playbook running but it just created the dbâŚ
if not is there a method using the same auth from those modules for the shell method?
Otherwhise i have to use the sql serviceuser anywayâŚ
Thank You in adavance again!