Specifying ssh key for delegate_to target


I am trying to provision a couple of hosts:


Each host has an individual private key used to ssh to that particular server. I define ansible_ssh_private_key_file and store private keys on localhost:


In this example, there are two keys at the following locations:
./deployment/master-1/id_rsa ./deployment/node-1/id_rsa

I would like to execute a slurp task while on node-1. The task reads the contents of a file that resides on master-1:


  • name: Read remote
    src: “/remote/file”
    register: remote_value
    run_once: true
    delegate_to: “{{ groups[‘masters’][0] }}”

At the moment the task fails saying it is unable to ssh to master-1. And that is correct, considering that ansible_ssh_private_key_file is resolved to “…/node-1/id_rsa”.
How can I specify private key location for delegate_to: master-1 (…/master-1/id_rsa)?
