Is it possible to sort the hosts by a given fact? The use case is producing a list of machine name → free disk space with the top N machines that have the most free disk space.
The hosts need to be sorted by a fact, and not their name, otherwise something like this would work:
{% for host in groups['someGroup']|sort()%}{{ host }}{% endfor %}
I have tried a couple of things, but haven’t been able to get it to work:
Errors with object’ has no attribute ‘disk_free_space_bytes’
{% for host in hostvars|sort(attribute=‘disk_free_space_bytes’) %}{{ host }}: {{host.disk_free_space_bytes}}{% endfor %}
Doesn’t look like facts are part of vars
{% for host in hostvars|sort(attribute=‘vars.disk_free_space_bytes’) %}{{ host }}: {{host.disk_free_space_bytes}}{% endfor %}
This is close, but I lose the host
{% for val in groups[‘storage’]|map(‘extract’, hostvars, ‘disk_free_space_bytes’) %}
Any ideas if it’s possible to do this?