For me I use the local users from the ansible controllers by calling the “{{ lookup(‘env’,‘USER’) }}”.
Hey Mark,
Ok for this issue, but my user of my environnement is different of my ansible_user of my inventory_hostname.
I have my inventory host with this content :
my_host_1 ansible_user=wildfly
my_host_1 ansible_user=toto
Ansible is my user of my environnement …
Thanks for your help community ansible !!
Hey Mark,
Ok for this issue, but my user of my environnement is different of my ansible_user of my inventory_hostname.
I have *my inventory host* with this content :
my_host_1 ansible_user=wildfly
my_host_1 ansible_user=totoAnsible is my user of my environnement ....
Thanks for your help community ansible !!
At any rate you can't use the same host name twice in your inventory file.