I am looking out for a clear setup documentation link for installing AWX on SLES12/SLES15 server. Please help.
I am looking out for a clear setup documentation link for installing AWX on SLES12/SLES15 server. Please help.
AWX runs in containers either through Docker or Kuberneties.
Because of this we do not have specific instructions on installing in SLES.
Please see the install documentation and let us know if you hit specific errors in one of the install methods.
-The AWX Team
Thanks for this information. I tried the following AWX installation on the SLES server. I am hitting the below error. Could you please sharing your inputs on how to resolve this? Appreciate your help!
I get this error:
TASK [local_docker : Run migrations in task container] ************************************************************
fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {“changed”: true, “cmd”: “docker-compose run --rm --service-ports task awx-manage migrate --no-input”, “delta”: “0:00:00.936957”, “end”: “2022-10-12 10:13:12.283706”, “msg”: “non-zero return code”, “rc”: 1, “start”: “2022-10-12 10:13:11.346749”, “stderr”: “Starting awx_postgres … \r\nStarting awx_redis … \r\nStarting awx_postgres … error\r\n\nERROR: for awx_postgres Cannot start service postgres: AppArmor enabled on system but the docker-default profile could not be loaded: running apparmor_parser apparmor_parser --version
failed with output: \nerror: exec: "apparmor_parser": executable file not found in $PATH\nStarting awx_redis … error\r\n\nERROR: for awx_redis Cannot start service redis: AppArmor enabled on system but the docker-default profile could not be loaded: running apparmor_parser apparmor_parser --version
failed with output: \nerror: exec: "apparmor_parser": executable file not found in $PATH\n\nERROR: for postgres Cannot start service postgres: AppArmor enabled on system but the docker-default profile could not be loaded: running apparmor_parser apparmor_parser --version
failed with output: \nerror: exec: "apparmor_parser": executable file not found in $PATH\n\nERROR: for redis Cannot start service redis: AppArmor enabled on system but the docker-default profile could not be loaded: running apparmor_parser apparmor_parser --version
failed with output: \nerror: exec: "apparmor_parser": executable file not found in $PATH\nEncountered errors while bringing up the project.”, “stderr_lines”: ["Starting awx_postgres … ", "Starting awx_redis … ", “Starting awx_postgres … error”, “”, "ERROR: for awx_postgres Cannot start service postgres: AppArmor enabled on system but the docker-default profile could not be loaded: running apparmor_parser apparmor_parser --version
failed with output: ", “error: exec: "apparmor_parser": executable file not found in $PATH”, “Starting awx_redis … error”, “”, "ERROR: for awx_redis Cannot start service redis: AppArmor enabled on system but the docker-default profile could not be loaded: running apparmor_parser apparmor_parser --version
failed with output: ", “error: exec: "apparmor_parser": executable file not found in $PATH”, “”, "ERROR: for postgres Cannot start service postgres: AppArmor enabled on system but the docker-default profile could not be loaded: running apparmor_parser apparmor_parser --version
failed with output: ", “error: exec: "apparmor_parser": executable file not found in $PATH”, “”, "ERROR: for redis Cannot start service redis: AppArmor enabled on system but the docker-default profile could not be loaded: running apparmor_parser apparmor_parser --version
failed with output: ", “error: exec: "apparmor_parser": executable file not found in $PATH”, “Encountered errors while bringing up the project.”], “stdout”: “”, “stdout_lines”: }
PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************************************************
localhost : ok=15 changed=3 unreachable=0 failed=1 skipped=73 rescued=0 ignored=2
vmansible02:/awx_home/awx/installer # docker images
redis latest 9da089657551 3 weeks ago 117MB
postgres 12 d05bfc9d176b 4 weeks ago 373MB
centos 8 5d0da3dc9764 13 months ago 231MB
ansible/awx 17.1.0 599918776cf2 19 months ago 1.41GB
kanaone/suse15 latest e20ce6664bfd 2 years ago 558MB
vmansible02:/awx_home/awx/installer # docker ps -a
18098769634e postgres:12 “docker-entrypoint.s…” 38 hours ago Created 5432/tcp awx_postgres
0738b1147a95 redis “docker-entrypoint.s…” 38 hours ago Created 6379/tcp awx_redis
c252a19cd4d5 kanaone/suse15:latest “bash” 2 days ago Up 2 days sles15cont