Skipping: no hosts matched

Hi all,

I am in need of help/pointers from the community in setting up Ansible ansible on ubuntu 14.04.

At the current stage it has been configure to retrieve the information from the remote server, but when I tried to do it through playbook (sudo ansible-playbook ubuntu14upgrade.yml) I get the following message “skipping: no hosts matched”

/etc/ansible/ansible.cfg is default settings

/etc/ansible/hosts has IP and hostname of the same remote server


The above remote server responds to “ansible all -m ping” and other request.

If you receive the message “Skipping: No Hosts Matched” when you are trying to run a playbook through Tower, here are a few things to check:

• Make sure that your hosts declaration line in your playbook matches the name of your group/host in inventory exactly (these are case sensitive).

Hi Ansible community,

Is anybody able to help out?

To me your post looks wired.
If you are using Tower the support is here

If you are not using Tower you should probably not read that documentation.

What you need is to read Ansible documentation, especially the one about inventory

Thanks Kai for your reply.

The Tower documentation was a reference to troubleshoot my problem through the steps they outline, the only reference to “Skipping: no hosts matched” from google search.