Simple Shell Command not executing

Hello All,

I am new in Ansible and was trying to execute a shell script in one of the remote hosts. The script runs fine when executed directly from the host. It is a simple shell script to create a folder.

The shell script is

I can get the script run if I use the “command” module in the yml file

That shell script is not in your PATH. If you just created the
script, you should use "cmd: ./"

Hi Pradipto,
As you can see the error says “ command not found”.

Just a little addition will resolve this issue.

The yml file is

Better use script module

  • name: Execute shell script

Thank you all. Eventually I realized I should be using “script” instead of “shell”

Keep in mind

  • It is usually preferable to write Ansible modules rather than pushing scripts. Convert your script to an Ansible module for bonus points!

Since your script just creates a directory that can be better done using an ansible file task.