i realize itfits how yaml and jinja2 works so probably obvious to many of you. never thought about it until after doing this and seeing the result. could make for more readable output.
example please, didn’t get it. Thanks
i realize itfits how yaml and jinja2 works so probably obvious to many of
you. never thought about it until after doing this and seeing the result.
could make for more readable output.
example please, didn't get it. Thanks
Something like this:
- name: "{{ action }} the hosts"
hosts: all
- name: "{{ action }} a host"
debug: var=action
Then you can run the playbook with '--extra-vars action=smite' or
whatever, and you'll get output like
PLAY [smite the hosts] *********************************************************
TASK [setup] *******************************************************************
ok: [host-01]
TASK [smite a host] ************************************************************
ok: [host-01] => {
"action": "smite"
As in that example, this also works in tasks, although not with things
like with_items, e.g.
- name: "{{ item }} a host"
debug: var=item
with_items: [bump, set, spike]
TASK [{{ item }} a host] *******************************************************
ok: [dom-use-util-01] => (item=bump) => {
"item": "bump"
ok: [dom-use-util-01] => (item=set) => {
"item": "set"
ok: [dom-use-util-01] => (item=spike) => {
"item": "spike"
because the three items all get processed within one task.
-Josh (jbs@care.com)
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