Shutdown / Startup Procedures for Ansible AWX

I am not sure what is the right process to shutdown and start the Ansible tower AWX open source version. Could you please share the steps or point me to the correct documentation.

ENVIRONMENT- AWX version: 2.1.0
  • AWX install method: docker on linux
  • Ansible version:
  • Operating System: Centos
  • Web Browser: Firefox


Since AWX is installed as a containerized application, the best possible way to restart AWX process is to restart the corresponding container.

To do so follow the below steps:

  1. Execute below command to list all the docker containers currently up and running.

$docker ps

  1. From the above output choose the container IDs related to AWX_task, AWX_Web, memcached, awx_rabbitmq, postgres and restart using below command.

$docker [stop/start/restart] <container_id> <container_id>

