Should deployment scripts have no roles.

Given that in my case provisioning doesn’t rely on Ansible yet.
Does it make sense that deployment playbooks have no roles at all?
I’m getting to a point where my playbooks are just a list of tasks which I gather in various “include” files grouped by what are they doing because I don’t see them “roleable”.
I mean, it makes no sense for me to have a rol “deploy app” since deployment is a set of actions not a setup describing.
For me “being a tomcat server” is obviously a rol, but “release last version” is a bunch of actions (checkout, stop server, deploy, start server…)

Is that approach correct?
Which is the way you organize your deployment tasks?

Thanks in advance.


Roles are a way to organize and reuse, if you don't need to do so, it
makes sense you don't use them. Task includes can also be used to do
the same, but are limited to just tasks.

In the end, do what works for you.

I’m doing it in tasks just because “tasks” like “download war file from nexus” or “check last release deployed” don’t seem to be a role.

Well, as you said, “do what works for you”.

