Hello all,
I have a playbook that runs different roles on different hosts.
Is it possible to pass a variable from one role running on one host to another role on another host running within the same playbook run? Or any workaround ?
here I get some variables: var1 var2 …etc
here I need to use var1 var2 … etc.
I tried with hostvars:
{{ hostvars.LBL.db.stdout }};"
{{ hostvars[‘LBL’][‘db’] }}
{{ hostvars[‘LBL’][‘db’][‘stdout’] }}
but it says:
in get_variables raise Exception(“host not found: %s” % hostname) Exception: host not found: LBL
And LBL is defined, after all I’m running the first role on LBL and it’s ok.
I’m using: ansible-1.8.4-1.el6.noarch
I modified it to suit my hosts:
Tested on 1.8.4 and
I modified it to suit my hosts:
- name: test hostvars host1
hosts: LBL
- command: "ls /bin"
register: ls_out
- name: test hostvars host2
hosts: LM
- debug:
var: "{{ hostvars['LBL']['ls_out']['stdout'] }}"
and it doesn't work:
FATAL: all hosts have already failed -- aborting
the ls /bin is been executed but it's the same error
this is the content of my hosts file:
LBL is the name of the group, not the host. You'd want something like
var: "{{ hostvars['']['ls_out']['stdout'] }}"
You can also get the list of hosts in a group, using {{ groups['LBL'] }}, if you'd rather just get the first host from there or if you want to iterate over the entire group.
There's more info and examples about this on the link posted earlier in this thread: http://docs.ansible.com/playbooks_variables.html#magic-variables-and-how-to-access-information-about-other-hosts