I am sure this has been asked before, I just struggle to find it.
I cloned https://github.com/knopki/ansible-hostname
Looks good and vagrant calls ansible successfully and all goes wel, untill…
I need to specify variables in the vars/main.yml file.
ansible-hostname is a role, and should be in the roles directory.
Assuming /home/stefaansm/trusty64/Ansible/ is where your playbooks are. Then ansible-hostname should be located at /home/stefaansm/trusty64/Ansible/roles/ansible-hostname
Like i said move your ansible-hostname into the roles folder (if you don’t have one make one). As far as i know ansible only loads roles from the roles folder, which is probably your issue.
Also his documentation is wrong, he doesn’t use hostname_domain, he actually in the code uses hostname_fqdn instead.