setting gather_facts for a role ?


I saw that I can specify
  gather_facts: no
in a playbook or a tasks list, but is it possible to precise it for a role ?

I tried on top of a roles/xxx/tasks.yml (because it's a tasks list) but it
throw a syntax error while loading yml


Gathering facts takes place at the beginning of a play, so why would you want to disable that in a role?


Because it's the role himself who knows if it needs facts or not (more
precisely the tasklist of the role should implies gather_facts or not).

- In a play, I chain roles but I don't know exactly if one role needs fact
  or not

- If I add a --limit to the play run, perhaps that all roles which needs
  facts are skipped (the target isn't in any group needing fact) so
  gather_facts will be useless in that case.