Set AWS Hostname

I’m using ansible to create aws instances. I want to set the hostname of the instance created. The scripts available around have deprecated tags. ‘register’ is no more a supported parameter with ec2. Below my sample script. In turn, add_host doesn’t work. How to set hostname with ansible script? Any help appreciated.

- name: Provision Instance
     aws_access_key: "{{ key1 }}"
     aws_secret_key: "{{ key2 }}"
     key_name: "{{ key }}"
     instance_type: "t2.micro"
     image: "ami-ccecf5af"
     region: "ap-southeast-2"
     group: "SERVERS_PROD"
     state: present
     #zone: 1
     vpc_subnet_id: "subnet-4"
      Name: Sample
      Env: production
      Owner: Company
      InstanceDescription: Sample Company
      CreatedBy: John
      ManagedBy: Logistics
     #ebs_optimized: yes
     assign_public_ip: no
     wait: true
     count: 1
     - device_name: /dev/sda1
       device_type: gp2
       volume_size: "20"
       delete_on_termination: true
     - device_name: /dev/sdf
       device_type: gp2
       volume_size: "10"
       delete_on_termination: true 

- name: Add new instance to host group
     hostname: "A01LPBSIM01"
     groupname: SERVERS_PROD
     with_items: "{{ ec2 }}"

fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "Unsupported parameters for (ec2) module: register 
Supported parameters include: assign_public_ip, aws_access_key, aws_secret_key, count, count_tag, ebs_optimized, 
ec2_url, exact_count, group, group_id, id, image, instance_ids, instance_initiated_shutdown_behavior, 
instance_profile_name, instance_tags, instance_type, kernel, key_name, monitoring, network_interfaces, 
placement_group, private_ip, profile, ramdisk, region, security_token, source_dest_check, spot_launch_group, 
spot_price, spot_type, spot_wait_timeout, state, tenancy, termination_protection, user_data, validate_certs, 
volumes, vpc_subnet_id, wait, wait_timeout, zone"}

You have a YAML nesting mistake - Ansible is reading your register: as
a property of the task,
rather than at the same level as the task.
Your 'with_items:' on the next task has the same issue.