(Navid Paya)
December 13, 2014, 9:39am
Hi all
I have come up with a search on AWS inventory. What I want to do is add the resulted instances to using add_host. This is how use to find the instances: ‘tag_Name_basebox_myteksi_net:&tag_Provisioned_False’
What would the task for this look like?
It would look like this, simply using the add host module to create a new group based on that pattern.
hosts: tag_Name_basebox_myteksi_net:&tag_Provisioned_False
add_host: key=my_new_dynamic_group_alias
Note that this would only happen in memory, to do other things, you might wish to use the ec2_tag module to assign new tags as well.
Hope this helps and let me know if there are any questions!