Search and remove string that matches a pattern at beginning of a line

Hey all,

Interesting question here. I want to remove the string noexec out of a line in my /etc/fstab. In this instance, I only want it to be in the /tmp line.
I was thinking a replace module, but not sure about a regexp that would work. Any thoughts?

Try this:

    - slurp:
        src: /etc/fstab
      register: fstab64

    - set_fact:
        tmp_parts: "{{ (fstab64.content|b64decode |
regex_search('.*\\S+\\s+\/tmp\\s+\\S+\\s+.*')).split() }}"

    - mount:
        fstab: /etc/fstab
        state: present
        path: "{{ tmp_parts[1] }}"
        src: "{{ tmp_parts[0] }}"
        opts: "{{ tmp_parts[3].split(',')|difference(['noexec'])|join(',') }}"
        fstype: "{{ tmp_parts[2] }}"


You could use the lineinfile-module.

With something like:

regexp: “^/dev/mapper/vg_rhel-var_tmp”
line: “/dev/mapper/vg_rhel-var_tmp /var/tmp xfs defaults,noexec,nosuid,nodev 0 0”

Take into account that the regexp definition has to match before and after replacement



Of course I made a copy&paste error:

the line definition must be without the noexec then :wink: